Explore You – Then Change Your Career
You know when your current career situation no longer serves you well, and it is time to make a change. Whether you arrive at this point because you are burnt out, lost your enthusiasm for the work, need a better environment, or can’t seem to thrive where you are, you know it is time to go. For many, the dilemma is finding the right place to land. Avoid making decisions in haste.
Don’t Fire Then Aim
For many accomplished, talented people, the challenge to describe or position their value for another career path is difficult. Most skills can be translated for other industries. Explore you first, then find your new career. To do otherwise could mean you will revisit decisions and begin the process over. From an objective perspective, examine your brand – who you are, what you do well, what value you have to offer, what feeds your interests, passions, and dreams. You might need to talk with a professional career coach.
Taking the time to explore your motivations will help you make thoughtful decisions when choosing a career path that suits you personally and professionally. The outcome is a career that fits you.
You probably think it is hard to make a choice or may have preconceived ideas about a job or industry but armed with validated impartial feedback and personal introspection about your intentions, attributes, and abilities; you can make a compatible match. Then you will be ready to identify a destination that considers your training, expertise, education, interest, and desired work environment.
This is Serious Work – You Need a Plan
You will need detective-like resources to research potential options. Career exploration should guide you through critically investigating potential industries, companies, and positions. Approach this search with sound planning and project management techniques to keep you on track as you evaluate options. I recommend my comprehensive guide, “Is it Time for a Job or Career Change” with several specific important options for you to consider if you are thinking about making a change.
Your mission is to emerge with clarity and focus for pursuing a career that fits you and your goals. If, along your journey, you need resources to access your attributes, work preferences, personal branding, career coaching, or industry exploration, contact me.